Case 17.5

The patient states that he does not know what to eat and what to limit for his ulcerative colitis. Prior to his hospitalization, he was following an unrestricted lacto-vegetarian diet. He was eating fruits, vegetables, and legumes daily. He was afraid of adding any new foods to his diet because of concerns that they would exacerbate his GI symptoms.

Now, he is avoiding oatmeal, most grains, beans, nuts and most fruits/vegetables after receiving instructions by the inpatient dietitian to follow a low fiber diet. He is also restricting dairy as he is following the advice of his prior gastroenterologist and is also not eating gluten, as he read online that avoiding gluten may reduce inflammation and help him feel better. He is avoiding gluten by avoiding all wheat-based products such as wheat bread. He was not aware that barley and rye have gluten and is not reading food labels to identify gluten.

His current foods are only bananas, white bread (gluten free), white rice, eggs and lentils. His primary beverage is cabbage juice, which he adds to each meal as he believes drinking the juice will help decrease inflammation. There are no fruit juices or sodas in his diet. He is drinking five bottles of Boost Glucose Control shake daily due to fear of adding new foods without speaking to the dietitian first. He eats three meals in the day with no snacks in between.

MealTypical Food
BreakfastTwo bananas, omelet with three eggs, cabbage juice
LunchOmelet with three eggs or lentils mixed with rice and flax seeds, peanut chutney, lemon pickle, cabbage juice
DinnerFrench toast (one slice of white bread with no crust), banana, cabbage juice


Which of the following is true regarding restrictive diets in IBD?
A low fiber diet is not recommended anymore during active disease
There is insufficient evidence to limit intake of foods with fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.
There is insufficient evidence to avoid or restrict gluten
There is no need to avoid or restrict gluten. However, a gluten free diet has been shown to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms that appear to be associated with irritable bowel syndrome in patients with quiescent IBD.
There is no generalized need to be dairy free
Dairy was not found to be associated with active disease and there are minimal indications to avoid dairy
 What are the potential micronutrient deficiencies that can arise with avoidance of multiple food groups?   
Calcium and vitamin D
These can occur due to minimal dairy intake
Vitamin C and folic acid
This can be due to not having sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables.
This can be due to minimal intake of grains and nuts
How would you describe this patient’s disordered eating?
Anorexia Nervosa (AN)
The patient does not exhibit the intense fear of either gaining weight or of changes to his physical appearance characteristic of AN.
Bulimia Nervosa (BN)
The patient does not exhibit the inappropriate compensatory behaviors in order to prevent weight gain seen in BN.
Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
He does not exhibit recurrent episodes of binge eating
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
He exhibits fear of foods and adoption of food avoidance patterns related to resultant symptoms from his IBD, which is characteristic of ARFID