Case 14.2

What is the appropriate endoscopic scoring system to apply for this patient?
Rutgeerts Score
The Rutgeerts score is used as the standard evaluation of post-surgical recurrences at ileocolic anastomosis level, and should only be used for this purpose.
Mayo Score
The Mayo score is used to assess severity of disease activity in patients with known ulcerative colitis, particularly when considering changing, adding or stopping a UC medication. The Mayo score is the most commonly used scoring system for UC in clinical trial and routine practice.
PDAI Score
The Pouchitis Disease Activity Index (PDAI)  is the most commonly used scoring system for diagnosing pouchitis. An overall score is calculated from 3 separate 6-point scales based on clinical symptoms, endoscopic findings, and histologic changes
The SES-CD Score
The Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease (SES-CD) assesses the size of mucosal ulcers, the ulcerated surface, the endoscopic extension and the presence of stenosis. It has been developed as an alternative to CDEIS, it is simpler and therefore more suited to routine use.
What Mayo score would you assign to best classify the stage of activity on the colonoscopy?
Mayo 0
Normal or inactive disease
Mayo 1
Mild disease (erythema, decreased vascular pattern, mild friability)
Mayo 2
Moderate disease (marked erytehma, absent vascular pattern, friabiliy, erosions)
Mayo 3
Severe disease (spontaneous bleeding, ulcerations)