You perfom a full workup to evaluate her diarrhea. Lab results are below:

Stool for C. DifficileNegative for toxin gene or protein
GI Baterial PCR PanelNegative
GI Viral PCR PanelNegative
Stool OVa and ParasiteNegative x 3
Stool giardia antigenNegative
Fecal ElastaseWithin Normal Limits
Celiac serologiesNegative

A trial of a bile-acid binding resin did not change the nature of her stool frequency.  Colonoscopy demonstrates normal ileocolonic anastomosis and distal ileum, which had both shown moderate inflammation prior to initiating Entyvio.  You diagnose her with intestinal failure as a result of multiple bowel resections for Crohn’s Disease leading to short bowel syndrome (SBS). 

Mini Discussion:

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) leading to intestinal failure (IF) is a highly morbid complication of Crohn’s disease (CD).  In Crohn’s patients, typically short bowel is a result of surgical resection of small bowel or a loss of functional small bowel due to extensive inflammation, leading to a reduction in bowel length enough to cause malabsorption.  Short bowel is defined as having < 200 cm of remaining of functional bowel.  Intestinal failure is defined as the reduction of gut function below the minimum necessary for the absorption of macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes, such that parenteral support (PS) is required to maintain health and/or growth. 

What risk factors are associated with increased mortality in short bowel syndrome patients?
End ileostomy
End jejunostomy increases mortality
Colon in continuity
A colon in discontinuity is a risk factor for increased mortality
Arterial mesenteric infarction
Patients whose reason for SBS is arterial mesenteric infarction have an increased mortality
Use of biologic therapy for Crohn's disease
Use of biologic therapy is not a cause of increased mortalitySevere disease (spontaneous bleeding, ulcerations)
History of Cancer
Patients with SBS and a history of cancer have an increased mortality
Age less than 40 years
Age greater than 60 years is associated with increased mortality
Permanent TPN dependence
Permanent TPN dependence is a risk factor for increased mortality