Case 21.4

If initial screening studies (laboratory, endoscopic and/or radiographic studies) to rule out other causes of presenting symptoms raise concern for VEO-IBD, which additional second-tier testing should be considered (Select all that apply)
Lymphocyte subsets
Neutrophil oxidative burst assay
TB testing
TB Testing is necessary before starting biologic therapy for IBD
Vaccine titers
Hep B testing is necessary before starting biologic therapy for IBD

Collaboration with immunology is an important consideration in VEO IBD care. The identification of several monogenic defects has led to effective targeted therapies

GROUPAge range (years)
Pediatric onset IBDYounger than 17
Early onset IBDYounger than 10
Very early onset IBDYounger than 6
InfantileYounger than 2
NeonatalFirst 28 days of life

Early Onset IBD

Adult IBD

Colon involved: 80 % in less than 10 years of age

Colon only involved < 20 %

Ileum involved rare at < 10 years

Ileum involved up to 80 %

Positive family history 40-50 %

Positive Family History 14-20 %